Trinity residents advise school district consultant
Staff Writer
About 70 people attended a meeting Thursday to talk to a consultant about how improve the Trinity Area School District.
Consultant Jim Manley described it as a positive discussion and said that the audience had a lot of good suggestions and dialogue during the two-hour meeting.
He said parents brought up the need to have a vision for Trinity’s future and to make sure that every one is working toward that vision.
Parents had a variety of questions, ranging from students being stimulated intellectually to creating orderly and caring school environments to high school reform.
Manley it was a discussion about the kindergarten through 12th grade system.
“It was great to see that kind of turnout,” he said. “It was almost like a symposium on education.”
He’s already visited all Trinity elementary schools and will spend time at the middle school and high school over the next two weeks.
He spoke with teacher leaders, administrators and parents while visiting each elementary school. Manley will do the same at the middle and high school. He is also asking for middle and high school student input.
The board hired Manley to come up with suggestions for improving the district. He plans to have recommendations for the board in early March.
Manley said he will establish four or five priorities the district can complete in 2010 and will give specifics about how those priorities can be implemented.
He said concerned citizens who couldn’t attend Thursday night’s meeting can contact him with questions or concerns at They can also call the district administration office at 724-223-2000 to get in touch with him.
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Labels: Trinity consultant