Thursday, April 2, 2009

University of Maryland cancels weekend showing of porn flick

This definitely makes for an interesting First Amendment discussion. Does a state government have the right to withhold money if a university plans to show a hard-corn porn movie or is it taking away the university's First Amendment rights? According to the story, no state dollars were involved - the showing was free. Are there limits on what can be shown on a college campus? If not, why not. If so, what are they?


  1. "But some still questioned whether hard-core porn has a place on a college campus."

    If the UofM has high speed internet in its dorms (it does), then there is hard core porn everywhere... probably things that would make "Pirates II: Stagnetti's Revenge" look tame by comparison.

  2. The Washington Post has an update about this in its Q&A section today.
