Monday, April 6, 2009

The profile police

I have had numerous conversations with people about what students, both under 18 and in college, put online. A few years ago, I spoke with one college administrator who took pictures of students off of Facebook and Myspace and put them up on the bulletin board outside his office. The message was clear - what you put on the Internet is not as private as you think it is.
Now, according to the Washington Post, school police are using that to their advantage. They are searching social networking sites for campus-related crimes.

1 comment:

  1. I 100% agree with the school police looking over these social sites. If the kids are stupid enough to put up incriminating information, then so be it. For the first couple years that my son had a MySpace profile, his picture was one of his holding a hand of cards in front of his face. You could only see his eyes and hair. Smart kid. If you remember, there was a local yokel who stole some monkeys recently that was caught because of his MySpace page. Not a smart kid. Lol
