Friday, March 5, 2010

New Trinity superintendent's contract detailed

By Dawn Goodman
Staff writer
Pay raises for incoming Trinity Superintendent Paul Kasunich will not be automatic and instead will be based on performance evaluations, according to his new contract.
The school board hired Kasunich, currently the Blackhawk Area School District superintendent, on Feb. 18. He is expected to start in early April and has a five-year contract.
The contract calls for his salary to be $135,000 from his first day until June 30, 2011.
His annual compensation will be determined following that date each succeeding year of employment. However, his salary cannot be decreased.
His fringe benefits include a $200,000 term life insurance policy, along with $200,000 accidental death or dismemberment coverage. The district will pay the premiums.
He will receive medical, dental and vision benefits and will be responsible for 10 percent of the premium costs.
He also has health insurance protection, which means if he exhausts all paid leave provisions of the contract, the district will pay all of his insurances at 100 percent of the cost for six months.
He will receive 22 vacation days, exclusive of holidays. The vacation days must be used in the year they are earned.
He will be entitled to 12 sick days per year and they will accumulate without limit. Upon termination of his employment, he will get the sick days at a rate of $100 per day. However, if he leaves prior to the duration of the contract, he will not be eligible for the sick leave reimbursement.
School board President Tom Bodnovich said the board had no problem getting Kasunich to agree to the terms of the contract.
Read Kasunich’s contract at
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