Thursday, March 11, 2010

Fort Cherry agreements detailed

Fort Cherry School District released three agreements Monday after a public records request by the Observer-Reporter.
Business Manager Paul Sroka gave the newspaper the newly-passed Act 93 agreement for administrators, his new contract and the teachers’ contract.
He said the board approved his contract and the administrators’ agreement early because it “wanted to get them out of the way.”
Sroka said there are no significant changes to the Act 93 agreement. The plan runs from July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2016.
The agreement details the evaluation process of administrators. It also gives them 100 percent tuition reimbursement for the first 18 credits per year at the University of Pittsburgh rate. They must obtain superintendent approval and get at least a B- or P if class is pass/fail. They must work for the district for a full school term following the completion of the course. If they leave before fulfilling the requirement, the reimbursement amount will be withheld from their salary.
An administrator with a doctoral degree from an accredited university will receive an annual stipend of $5,000.
All administrators will receive three personal days per year, cumulative to seven. They will get up to 13 sick days per year and they may be accumulated.
Any additional medical, dental or vision benefits given to professional employees, such as teachers, will be included in the administrative agreement. If professional employees provided co-payment for health insurance, administrators would do the same.
They earn 20 vacation days per year and five can be carried over.
The agreement also includes a $25,000 bonus for retirement and calls for administrators to be paid $75 a day for unused sick leave.
Administrators can’t be paid more than the high average in the Intermediate Unit 1 for that position. They will be awarded 5 percent of any grants they obtain for the district, with the maximum amount not to exceed $5,000, except for someone hired for grant solicitation.
Sroka’s new contract runs for four years and ends June 30, 2015. His salary this year is $81,916. The contract doesn’t list his salaries over the course of the contract but does list the possible raises.
Sroka is also covered under the Act 93 agreement for administrators.
Details of the teachers’ contract were released when it was approved several months ago. The five-year plan runs from Sept. 1, 2009 to Aug. 31, 2014.
The starting salary for 2009-10 is $31,000 and the maximum salary is $70,853. The last year of the contract is $35,000 and the maximum salary is $78,760.
Health insurance monthly co-pays are $15 for single coverage and $30 for all other coverage. The district will provide dental and eye care. However, the district’s cost for eye care can’t exceed $7 per month per employee.
Read all three agreements at

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