Friday, January 8, 2010

Trinity consultant explains how he will review district

A consultant is reviewing Trinity School District operations and plans to report his findings to the board and community in February.
In December, the school board hired James Manley, who worked in education for almost 42 years, most recently as superintendent Pine-Richland School District, to review curriculum and other areas of the district.
Manley gave a presentation at Thursday’s school board meeting, detailing exactly what he wants to review and how he will do it.
He said he’s looking for ways to enhance student achievement. His report will explain what Trinity does well and how the district can improve.
Manley said he will review a number of areas, including leadership, governance, vision, core values, curriculum, instruction, technology education, school climate, whether the school is conducive to learning, accountability and use of data.
He is spending Tuesdays and Thursdays in the district and will spend time at each school. He will talk with principals, go in classrooms and talk with teachers and parents. Manley plans to meet with parents and students in the evening for those who don’t have time to meet with him during the day.
He also hopes to include middle and high school students in the discussions.

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