Thursday, December 3, 2009

Canon-Mac students challenged to raise money for needy

Canon-McMillan High School students have been challenged to raise $7,500 for needy children in their community.
If they do, their Principal David Helinski and social studies teacher Matthew Todaro will turn into “Survivormen,” and spend 24 hours in the school pool, except for bathroom breaks.
It’s one of the many fundraisers, including a hoagie sale, a pie a teacher contest and raffles, that the school organized to raise money for its Santa Fund.
Todaro said his students came up with the ideas for the fundraisers, especially the Suvivormen.
“It’s really been student-driven,” he said.
The money will be used to help Santa get gifts for those in difficult financial situations this year, he said. Todaro estimated that 350 Canon-Mac children will receive gifts.
He said $4,000 had already been raised when the challenge was issued to reach $7,500.
Should that goal be met, the men will spend the 24 hours in the pool after the holidays, Todaro said.

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