Thursday, November 26, 2009

Students write letters of thanks to troops

BURGETTSTOWN – For the first time, Daniel Swan will experience snow this year.
He will have his first Thanksgiving meal.
The 10th-grader moved to Burgettstown this year with his parents. His mother and father met while his dad was deployed in the U.S. Air Force to the Phillipines.
Daniel is sharing his story with heroes. He and about 180 other Burgettstown students are writing letters and sending cards to U.S. troops this holiday season.
The students are sharing parts of their lives with soldiers and thanking them for creating a world where they can have the lives they do.
“I think it’s a great idea,” Daniel said of sending letters and cards. “The soldiers have been away from their families. You can remind them of what home is like.”
World history teacher Kathie Ankley said she has students include information about their lives so the teens appreciate what they have because the United States has a volunteer army.
“It’s important that you are thankful to the people that are defending our freedom,” she said.
Read the rest of the story on our Observer-Reporter Web site.

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