Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Canon-Mac students help build pond

By Dawn Goodman
Staff Writer
CANONSBURG - Brandon Lucot moved rocks from the pond.
Lauren Harbaugh helped lay down the tarp, put mulch around the pond and plant flowers.
Hayden Smutney was a self-described “wheelbarrower.” He moved the soil and rock out of the way to where it needed to be.
On Tuesday, the three sophomores were among those celebrating the dedication of the Politan Pond at Canon-McMillan High School.
A $15,000 state grant paved the way for the pond, which replaced the pond that was filled in when the school was renovated a decade ago.
The pond is 50 feet by 30 feet and includes 36 tons of river rock that were carried in by hand. The area also includes two smaller, 40-gallon ponds that can be used for experiments.
Joe Politan, the science teacher who coordinated the effort to get the pond, said students helped with all the work.
“It’s amazing what 13-, 14-year-olds will do if you give them a purpose,” he said.
Sophomore Emma Chase said the pond turned out really well.
“It’s cool that kids will be able to use it for experiments,” she said.
Every ninth-grader will use the pond during Pennsylvania science class, said high school science coordinator Deborah Steinmiller. She said AP biology classes will also use the pond. She said it will be open to all other classes and that it will be used to help emphasize different environmental careers.
When the school started its Pennsylvania science class about eight years ago, teachers thought that a pond would help with hands-on experiences.
Politan is excited about the potential.
“I’m ecstatic,” he said. “We’ve been working on this for several years.”
He plans to use it for experiments about nitrate and phosphate levels. Politan also plans to use to for dissolved oxygen experiments and to help kids test whether they can treat acid mine drainage.
“We want to look at the environmental problems faced here,” Politan said.
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