Friday, September 11, 2009

Washington High School students honor 9-11 victims

By Dawn Goodman
Staff Writer
Selbie Jones doesn’t know anyone who died in the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001.
“But I remember what happened on 9-11,” the Washington High School senior said Friday as she placed flags in the ground next to the school in honor of the victims. “I remember how bad people in New York felt.”
On that day, terrorists flew planes into the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington D.C. A fourth plane hijacked by terrorists crashed in a Shanksville field.
Placing the flags is out of respect for those who died in the attacks, she said.
“It’s the least we can do as Americans,” Jones said.
She was one of dozens of Washington High students who arrived at 7:15 a.m., before school started, to place the flags.
“It’s a little thing to do, but it supports our country and it lets everyone know the patriotism Wash High has,” said senior Bill Powell.
It’s the second year the student body created the flag honorarium. Last year, senior and student government president Brendan Marasco came up with the idea. This year, his younger brother, Benjamin Marasco, organized it again.
“It’s a great thing to remember them and honor the lives that were lost when terrorists attacked our fellow Americans,” said Benjamin Marasco, the sophomore class president.
The students placed 2,977 miniature flags along Jefferson Avenue, one for each victim and the emergency responders who died trying to save them. Later, the school had a moment of silence and the band played the national anthem.
“It’s amazing to see how much students care about their country and want to honor the lives lost,” Benjamin Marasco said.
Tenth-grader Lindsey McNutt said she missed out on it last year so she wanted to make up for it this year.
“Just to honor 9-11,” she said.

1 comment:

  1. The kids and school district should be commended for a job well done.
