Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Trinity East has confirmed case of swine flu

By Dawn Goodman
Staff Writer
Trinity East Elementary School has one confirmed case of H1N1, or swine, flu, Acting Superintendent R. Tim Marks said Wednesday.
Marks said a letter was sent home Tuesday to Trinity East parents, letting them know about the confirmed case and reminding them what they can to help prevent its spread. The letter was sent only to Trinity East families. Marks said if there is another case, the principal in that school will send a letter to the community.
The third-grade boy will be out of school for five to seven days, until he hasn’t had a fever or taken medicine for 24 hours, Marks said.
Based on the advice of the boy’s pediatrician, the district will treat all flu cases the same, Marks said. That means any student with the flu must remain home until they haven’t had a fever or taken medicine for 24 hours, he said.
Marks said the best prevention is good hygiene, including hand washing and sneezing into your elbow.
He said he also explained in the letter what the district is doing to prevent the spread of the flu.
That includes bringing in a substitute custodian to help the full-time custodians wash desktops and doorknobs on a daily basis. Marks said areas that are touched regularly must be cleaned.
Trinity has installed foam soap in classrooms and bathrooms because students like it better, he said.
The district also placed additional sanitizers around the schools, had preventive training for staff and placed information about H1N1 on the district Web site at
At the beginning of the school year, Marks also sent a letter home about swine flu prevention.
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1 comment:

  1. Well how about Trinity middle school, 204 kids missing today and WE THE PARENTS were promised a letter and WE RECIEVED NOTHING. No one has even come out and said YES THERE'S a problem THERE. Our childrens rights to make an INFORMED decision are being compromised.
