Tuesday, August 4, 2009

More Summer Education

Simply because it is summer does not mean that learning takes a break. In fact, I believe that summer is an excellent opportunity for the learning experience. It is then that educational experiences expand and opportunity abounds.

One such experience was City on the Hill Youth Leadership Conference sponsored by Pennsylvania Family Institute. Fifty-five high school attendees surrendered their common title of student to State Senator for a week. Renowned speakers were brought in to address the "Senators". In addition, each student was assigned one bill to support and two bills to oppose. Each of these bills were actual pieces of recent legislation of the PA General Assembly.

The students learned all about the PA Senate, elected their own Majority and Minority Leaders, Whips and President Pro-Tempore. Learning how to work together was vital. They also saw first hand the process of how a bill becomes law in PA, and the “Senators” actually presented their bills and debated on the Senate floor at the PA State Capitol. Now that's hands on learning.

Benjamin Marasco

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