Thursday, July 2, 2009

Wash High Provides Excellent Opportunities

As a new graduate of Washington High School, I have had the blessed opportunity to see the school's positive aspects. I have met and have relationships with numerous students across the country; most of these have come through leadership programs. After speaking with these top-level students, I have learned that Washington High School is one of the best high schools available. The school not only succeeds academically (many areas), athletically (too many sports to mention), and socially (friendship is not based on race or social status), but students within the school are also non-judgmental. This is incredibly atypical. Students at Wash High accept each other for who they are, not for what they can offer. Jealousy is not a huge issue here, but students instead encourage one another. This school is not a cookie-cutter environment; everyone looks different. And that's perfectly fine.

That's Prexie Pride at its finest.

Thanks Wash High for Four Great Years,
Brendan Marasco

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