Monday, July 13, 2009

Pensions could cost districts millions of dollars

By 2013, school districts could face a sixfold increase in pension costs. That equals millions of dollars. Area school business managers predict substantial tax increases if the state doesn't do something to resolve the problem.
What do you think should be done?


  1. I would get over our depression in a dead end job, go back to school to get my teaching degree, and pray that my weak articles could be overlooked.

    Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you meant what YOU should have done.

  2. In Wash High's case, I think that instead of blowing money on the renovation/student move project, the school district should invest the money to prepare for this crisis! Our superintendent keeps saying that her business manager is very intelligent, well we will see how intelligent they both are. This is an easy decision as far as I see it. Do they spend money on a project that won't help the district or save the money so, those taxpayers who will be left won't see ANOTHER tax increase? Let's see if they do the right thing....
