Sunday, June 14, 2009

Year End Wrap Up

I wanted to say it has been fun doing these blogs for the Observer-Reporter. I was flattered to be asked to participate.

I hope information that I have provided has been useful and given some understanding to the financial operations of a Public School District.

This summer like others before it will be busy. We must pass our final budget, including Act 1 language in the form of resolution providing property tax relief to the qualified Homestead/Farmstead homes in Fort Cherry community.

Once the budget is passed by the School Board I will be required to file the budget (PDE-2028) with the Department of Education within 10 days of the budget's approval.

Our District like most others will begin the summer months closing the finacial books for 2008-09 and begin the operation of the 2009-10 fiscal year.

Part of this process requires that we will begin gettting organized for our local audit and filling out other forms of state financial reporting such as the PDE-2057 and PDE-363.

Again, thanks for the opportunity to provide you with this information, have a nice and enjoyable summer.

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