Tuesday, June 23, 2009

State Budget

As I indicated in previous articles you will see that various School Districts across Washington County will approve their 2009-10 budgets. Some budgets will increase taxes, while some others won't depending on their various financial situations.

The State Budget on the other hand continues to be a work in progress. Concerns range from the Governor's proposal to "temporarily" raise the State Tax Rate to 3.57%(currently 3.07%) and use Federal Stimulus Money to plug potential cuts in the Education Budget.

Also, I understand the Federal Government has not exactly endorsed the State's use of Stimulus Funds. This obviously leaves the State Government in a difficult spot to come to some type of budget agreement by June 30, 2009.

Against this backdrop I would anticipate the State Budget being passed, just not by June 30th. Hopefully the issues of the projected revenue short fall (3 billion) can be resolved with no increase in our current tax structure, but my guess is that will be unlikely.

So, as the School District's begin their fiscal 2009-10 operations we are still hopeful that the State Budget impasse can be resolved in a timely matter.

It should make for an interesting summer.

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