Thursday, June 11, 2009

No more Carroll Middle School

The Ringgold School Board voted unanimously Wednesday night to close Carroll and send those students to Finley Middle School until a new middle school is built. Even though a number of parents are opposed, school officials say it's best for students educationally and that it will save the district about $500,000 a year.


  1. I haven't seen this in any of the articles, but I was told that the PSSA scores for Carroll were substandard, so many parents were requesting their children relocate to Finley. Because of this, the numbers were down at Carroll and up at Finley. This decision to close Carroll makes it on the board's terms and not an embarrassment. Apparently there is nothing wrong with the building since they plan on putting elementary kids there. From where, I wonder.

  2. This is what I wrote when the board discussed its long-term building plan in November 2007:
    Under those plans, Donora students and some Monongahela students would attend the renovated Carroll or new southern elementary center. Students from Gastonville and some from Monogahela would attend Gastonville or the new northern elementary center.

    Board member Donald Bartoe told me Wednesday after the meeting that is still the long-term plan. He said the board hopes to have Carroll converted to an elementary center and the new middle school completed within a year of each other.

  3. Sorry, Dawn, I wasn't following the story back in 2007. Does this mean the old high schools which were converted to elementary schools while I was there (late 70's) would close?

  4. Not a problem. To answer your question, only Gastonville would remain open. So Ringgold would have Gastonville and Carroll-convered-to-an-elementary center, unless they change the plans.

  5. I no longer live in the district so I can't vote the board members out. In fact, I didn't vote any of them in. Unfortunately, though, I still own property in the district and have to pay taxes for numbskull decisions such as these. Sad
