Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Moving seventh and eighth graders to the high school

The Washington School Board held a public hearing Monday night about whether to move seventh and eighth graders to the high school and whether to renovate the high school. There was information presented at the meeting that I didn't have room for in the paper so I thought I would post it here. If you think there's other information that people need to know about the potential move, please post it here. The board is scheduled to vote on the issue Monday night.
Teen pregnancy
One issue that parents have asked about is teen pregnancy rates at schools for seventh through 12th graders. Are they higher? Mary Jo Podgurski, who runs Teen Outreach in Washington and works around the world with teen sexuality issues, said no studies have been done about that particular issue. However, she said, studies do show what issues, such as poverty and a history of abuse, can lead girls to get pregnant at a young age. None of those studies cite having seventh through 12th grade students in the same building as one of the issues that impact teen pregnancy rates, she said.
What about the Park School?
The discussion seems to focus on what will happen at the high school. Someone asked me last night about what would happen at the Park School. I've written about it before but thought I would post it again. Superintendent Roberta DiLorenzo originally proposed putting an alternative school at the Park School. However, in the past few months, she said the community reaction has been so negative that she has decided not to do that. Instead, pre-kindergarten classrooms could be expanded and day care may be offered. Also, the rooms on the lowest floors (without windows) could be turned into a centralized general supply warehouse for the district. DiLorenzo said that could save money by having one staff person responsible for ordering supplies.
When did the process start?
The board had reorganization discussions on May 21, 2007. There, members talked about a 7-9 middle school, 10-12 high school and a separate primary building. On April 14, 2008, DiLorenzo made the K-6, 7-12 recommendation after a year of analysis and response to public concerns. On April 21, 2008, the board approved the feasibility study of the high school and bought 3111 Allison Ave. for administrative offices. On May 19, the board voted to reconfigure the elementary school to kindergarten through sixth grade. In July 2008, DiLorenzo began public and small group presentations.
High school Principal Frank Rotunda and Middle School Principal Cyril Walther said they met with architects to determine how the renovation could work. They wanted to figure out how to keep the kids in different grades separated. They decided the best way to separate them was to keep the younger kids on the lowest floor, Rotunda said. They will also add a lunch period to keep them separated, he said. The design also includes separate junior high and high school dressing rooms for boys and girls, he said. The plan also reverts to the former circulation plan, which was in place before the last renovation. That allows for a continuous loop.
The bond counsel and business manager agreed that now would be the cheapest time to build because the construction costs are lower and interest rates are low. Washington can wait to renovate, but the consensus was the district would pay more.
Business Manager Rick Mancini said the district has $6 million in its capital reserve fund. He recommended that money be used for upgrades to the Park School and that the district borrow money to renovate the high school.
Board member Linda Clemons asked for a breakdown of the options the board could do and what the dollar figures could be. For example, the board could vote to move the seventh and eighth graders and renovate the high school, which is estimated to cost between $16 million and $20 million. It could just renovate the high school, which would cost $14 million, unless the board decides to add something because it removed the work necessary to renovate the space for the seventh and eighth graders.
Public comment
As I wrote in my story, there was some disagreement about whether to renovate the high school now. However, with the exception of one person who was undecided about moving seventh and eighth graders to the high school, everyone else said don't do it.
Mother and Community Advisory Committee member Michelle Hertig-Sperl, presented a petition opposing the move. She said it was signed by 28 seventh and eighth grade teachers.


  1. After attending the board meeting last night, in my opinion if the board goes forward with the renovations they are insane!! They were not given enough data to support the project. The architect that was there completely low balled the estimate! How could he even put a cost on the project without a scope of work? Are the taxpayers supposed to think that this is acceptable? I for one do not! Another issue I have is that our superintendent wants the board to support her on this decision. How can they make an informed decision without all the facts? The presentation just gave us, in the superintendent's opinion, the pros of the project. Not once anywhere were there any cons discussed. When the Community tried to get answers, the school board president interrupted them and told them that there wasn't time for their concerns! How rude and pompus! What a slap in the face that is to the people who he is supposed to represent!! Amazingly enough the only parent who got to get answers to his questions was the only one in the crowd who supported the project. Coincidence?? Maybe? Like it was planned ahead of time.

    The last thing I have to say is that the school board developed the Parent Advisory Committee to "bridge the gap" between the superintendent puppets we call our school board and the community!! Then they go out and talk to neighbors, relatives, and friends and report back to the board, but they are treated like second class citizens! We need to clean house, starting with the superintendent and ending with the school board. Either that or have the superintendent and the business manager move into the school district to help shoulder the burden of wasteful spending and higher taxes!!

  2. Washington School District formed a Parent Advisory Committee to help out with issues such as the 7th & 8th grade moving to the high school. At one point during the meeting last night Dr. DiLorenzo asked if there were any questions. Mr. Interval, who is on the committee, attempted to ask a question but was rudely interrupted by the school board president Mr. Stotka. Mr. Interval returned to his seat and never had the chance to ask his question. After another presentation, Dr. DiLorenzo again asked the community if there were any questions. Mr. Griffin, who is also on the committee, went to the podium and was told to return to his seat by Mr. Stotka. Both of these men attempted to get answers to important questions for the parents and the community. Mr. Stotka owes Mr. Interval and Mr. Griffin an apology for being so rude!!

  3. Funny how the school board is elected by the public and supposed to represent them as well. Not in our school district. Our school board does as the superintendent wishes! I personally feel that the superintendent has made up her mind and the board will vote accordingly. They don't even have any legitimate reasons that would make the move better for the students! That should be the districts only concern, what is best for the students. At the last board meeting we heard from a teen sexuality expert, a finance guy and a person representing the architectural firm. The sexuality expert gave us HER opinion, the finance guy confused the audience with terminology and the architect rep really spoke so randomly that he kept going in circles without giving answers. Political rhetoric at its finest. For example, we were told that the younger and older students we going to be separated as much as possible. Then the architectural firm rep told us that the 7th/8th grade entrance was going to be where the 11th/12th graders will park on campus. So they are going to be separated right from the start of the day? Second, what happens to the 7th/8th grade students during renovation? Too many unanswered questions for me!!
