Saturday, June 6, 2009

It's that time of year ...

Congratulations and good luck to all of those graduating from high school and college. In honor of their achievements, I thought I would throw a question out to readers on the blog. What's your greatest memory about graduation? Is it a funny memory? Is it an inspirational speaker? Please share ...


  1. Literally 5 minutes after our graduation ceremony, the clouds opened up and poured a downright VIOLENT thunderstorm on WashPa...

    I don't really remember much of the whole "to-do..."

    We had something like 7 valedictorians... the Rozzi twins were among them... one of them, Anthony or Nick... his speech was backward... it started with "Thank you" and ended with "Hello"--- But I don't remember anything else :-)

    The applause was the loudest for the "unlikely graduates." You know, the kids you had expected to either drop out or be imprisoned rather than graduate from high school...

  2. We didn't have a valedictorian or salutorian...we had a "top ten" (one of which was me). We ten were given the opportunity to prepare a speech and school administration would pick the two they liked best. I hated public speaking, so I didn't even try. What I remember most is lame...we had to pick a partner, and were lined up alphabetically by the boy's last name, honor students first (50 kids?), then the rest of the class. My partner had a "Y" last name, so I was the last honor student even though I was 5th in the class.
