Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Holocaust Survivor at Wash High

Washington High School hosted Holocaust survivor Herman Snyder Tuesday for a school assembly. The deep respect granted to this speaker is indescribable. As a student I have seen many presentations; this was one of the most effective in terms of student participation. After watching a brief video about his life and experiences, Mr. Snyder went on to describe the new lifestyle he experienced during the Holocaust.

When he was a teenager he ran away from his family and the ghetto. He later learned that all of his family members were shot. Mr. Snyder then discussed how he survived in forests during the remainder of the war. Upon finishing his story he received a standing ovation.

A question and answer period followed for 30 minutes. Mr. Snyder connected directly with us students and emphasized the importance of education. "Learning is earning," he said.

Dawn Keller's story that ran in the Observer-Reporter Thursday, May 28, 2009:
Wash High adds to Holocaust remembrance


  1. It was interesting to hear from a Holocaust survivor who was not in a concentration camp. The story about his visit is written. After it runs, I will link to it here.

  2. Great, Dawn... I'd love to read about his life... the blog post reminds me of Victor, the Wild Boy of Avignon... It's definitely an apples and oranges thing... but still, I can't wait to read it.
