Friday, April 10, 2009

Picking your SAT scores

A new policy allows students to pick which SAT scores they want to send to colleges for the application process, according to the Washington Post. Before now, all scores were sent to colleges, no matter how many times students took the test.
Should students be able to pick their scores or should all of them be sent to colleges?


  1. Wouldn't this benefit someone who took the test the absolute maximum number of times possible? What is the fee for the test? How many times could you end up taking it?

    While I don't have a problem with the actual result-- picking your highest score to send... I could see how it would unfairly benefit kids who can afford to take the test a whole bunch of times and then cherry pick the results.

  2. It's $45 a pop! And I don't think there is a maximum number of times to take the SAT. Colleges most likely pick the higher scores anyway, so the student should be able to submit only their best effort.

    The first time my son took the test, the desk he was sitting at shook so badly he couldn't think when he was doing the written portion of the SAT. His score in that area showed. The second (and final) time, he made sure his desk was solid, and his scored jumped 125 points on the written segment, while the other two segments were about the same.

    My second son (a junior in high school) takes his first SAT May 2nd. Wish him luck!
