Thursday, April 30, 2009

Fort Cherry considers change to public comment policy

Fort Cherry's current meeting policy calls for seven-day notice of public comments at school board meetings. However, the board hasn't enforced that policy, instead letting audience members talk without advance notice. Some board members want to enforce the policy, another thinks the timeframe should be five days instead of seven and another thinks the way it's done now is fine.
What do you think Fort Cherry should do?


  1. i think that they should let the students should be allowed to talk without written consent because they never enforced it until now when they kicked a really good princple out of the high school. instead the superintendent should have left

  2. A really good 'principle'?


    The opinion from the Pennsylvania Newspaper Association (no quotes I may add) is used to paint a picture of the school board trying to quell opinions, which was uneccessary in the article.

    At least there is mention that officials can be contacted before and after meetings, though it's conveniently added toward the end of the piece.

    Overall, much ado about nothing, but good marks for attempting to 'stir the pot' a little. Congrats.

  3. wow omg sorry i spelled a word wrong...well its obvious i got a fort cherry education now..

  4. Guess you should thank your 'principle' for that education.

  5. Another attempt of a governmental board trying to squelch the people who put them there.

  6. i really liked the principal we had. he was the nicest one we have had in a long time and he cared so much about the students..its a shame the board forced him out

  7. Where is this proof he was 'forced out'?

    If he cared so much, why did he leave for a bigger school? It's a shame this principal attempted to manipulate these kids, and some of their uneducated parents.

    Was he pushed out of Avonworth too before coming to FC? There is a reason this individual doesn't stay at one school district for long.

    Think about it.

  8. He left Avonworth as a teacher for a principal opening at FC. It happens all the time, everywhere. And rumor on the street is he left FC abruptly due to people in Admin forwarding him principal job openings... if that's not writing on the wall to get out of a bad situation before you get fired for something made-up, then I don't know what is.
    This is a guy that went to England/Oxford University this summer and extolled the FC school district and his teachers and kids and you think he didn't care??

    And why would he not be allowed to be at graduation with his seniors, barred from school grounds as people have said??? Is he a threat to society?? Sounds like some people are worried at the stories he'd have to tell of what really goes on behind closed doors at FC....

    You think about it and quit repeating what the sheep school board members are saying. Buy them a clue too while you're at it.

  9. "rumor on the street"

    "as people have said"

    Sounds like one of Royall's poker buddies have chimed in.

    If he is so 'innocent', he can take FC to court, but he won't and we all know why.

    Just like he jumped ship at Avonworth, he had to bail FC for his own hide.

    Hmmmmm. Indeed.

  10. Getting a trip to England/Oxford on the taxpayer dime is an example of "caring"?

    Wow. We all should be so fortunate.

  11. the only thing that this school needs is a new superintendent that doesnt lure the school board into what he wants.

  12. In good time anon, in good time. The school board and admin are already finding out that the parents and community of the district are not as dumb as they thought...

    And speaking of "bailing on their schools," how's the story go with the FC Super and his last employer??

    Just wondering.

  13. It's kind of funny how fast some of these anti-Royall posts pop up when someone supports the ex-principal with a comment... Wonder who trolls these boards so often...?

  14. Probably the same types of trolls that go off the original topic to support a former employee going to his third school district this decade.

    Of course, this is over school board members that have lived in the community for years, some their entire lives.

    You are correct that some of us in the community are not that dumb. Thankfully for us, we disagree with you, and support the current direction.

  15. As they say, "I have no dog in this hunt" (not residing in your area), but I think it's funny that both sides of this argument don't post their real names.

    Instead, they are "anonymus". In my school district, if I have a question, issue, or concern, I take it to the people in charge. They know my name, I have children in the school, have nothing to hide, and as a taxpayer, they work for ME.

    I'm willing to bet that many of these pro/con superintendent and pro/con principal statements are made by folks that know them VERY well, but don't live in the district, or are 'trolling' because they have their own agenda. After all, not everyone likes their boss, and I bet that's the case here.

    If they actually lived in the district, they at least would have the guts to express their feelings to the officials in charge, sign their name here, or at least write a letter to the editor. Not hiding behind a keyboard. That doesn't benefit your district.

    Just my two cents.

    D.M. Dreyer

  16. im not writing my name because i am a student that goes here and don't feel like explaining it in front of the disrespectful school board that only cares about 1 man...the super

  17. Anonymous said...

    I am a parent with two children in FC high school. I think it is time for some new school board members and I don't think you should be on the school board if you don't have kids that go there.
    Things have not changed since I went there. I thought Royall was an exceptional principal and he was alot better than Motte and Dinnen. DINNEN NEEDS TO LEAVE.

  18. I totally agree with that last comment!!!

  19. As great as I am, I think you two are gutless turds for not coming forth with your name.

    I'm now going to work on burning bridges at my new school.


  20. I am a graduate of Fort Cherry, so is my wife and my children. One thing that everyone must learn is the "F" in Fort Cherry is for football. If you are into science, chorus, band etc. it doesn't matter to the school board. Everthing is for football including all concession rights at the "Gary" Stadium. I am for sports and football but think that we need to strike a balance. It is like selling insurance. It will be this way until we clean house and elect board members who sponsor education and the arts versus only football.

  21. Miguel de Cervantes once said,
    "Truth indeed rather alleviates than hurts, and will always bear up against falsehood, as oil does above water." It is my firmest belief that the injustices occuring within FC's walls will in time come out and those responsible will reap what they sow. As a student at Fort Cherry and an advocate for what has been instilled in me since Kindergarden, I will continue to stand up for truth, honor, and integrity. The situation with the super and his 'reign of terror' are a result of inaction among the community and I ask that we all come together and work hard to solve this problem and save our school. I dont wanna spend my last years at FC in fear and I wont. If I can stand up and speak the truth at every possible risk of my education, than others should be too. I'm not afraid of school board members or the unkown but I am afraid of losing my school and that is whats happening. Please come together, participate in the school board meetings and stand up. If we feel so strongly about this then we shouldn't be afraid to state our names. "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble."
    Bible, Psalms 46:1
    "The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion."
    Bible, Proverbs 28:1
