Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Somerset set county district to drug test prospective employees

WJAC-TV, a Central Pennsylvania television station, is reporting that Berlin Brothersvalley School District is going to start drug testing its employees. It includes all positions.
That's a change fromthe district's existing policy, which calls for people who are offered jobs to be given drug tests.
The station reported that the district doesn't have plans to drug text existing employees because that would have to be worked out with the union.
What do you think? Should all prospective employees for school districts have to take drug tests?


  1. If you're drug tested to drive trucks, work on machinery, or even at to work at a damn Walmart, I certainly think you should get drug tested if you are going to be around and have influence over our children on a day to day basis.

    Next on the agenda.. drug test those getting federal, state and local monetary assistance!!

  2. It sure would have helped out my son's classroom a couple years ago had his teacher been mandatorily tested! What a waste of a school year he had.
