Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Should Peters Township get rid of its buses?

Apparently one school board member made that suggestion at Monday night's meeting. The idea was not approved. In fact, the board bought buses instead. Since it was brought up for discussion, I thought I would post it here to see what people think of the idea.


  1. although i understand state law, i find it ridiculous in this day and age that with working families and those without transportation of their own to 1) be told their district won't provide transportation, yet 2) punish those that cannot get their child there themselves.

    per that article...11 1/2 miles?? heck, my 10 yr old has to walk 8 blocks to his bus stop as it is, and has been bullied and harrassed. True I can drive him myself, but as working parent that has to be at work by 9am, the school will not allow parents to drop them off to the school before 9:05am.

    so, where's the solution? personally i don't think it should be cut, and if it is, parents should not be penalized if they cannot find a way to transport their child. home schooling is looking more and more appealing to me :)

  2. then again... i have to admit i did find a solution. my child will be going to live with his father and attend another school district in another state since we're both tired of dealing with the AASD in central PA. :)
