Monday, March 9, 2009

Is it OK for a teacher to text message a student or communicate with them on a social networking site?

It's a topic I wrote about Sunday. Should teachers text students? What about friending them on Myspace or Facebook? It's an issue that districts are now starting to grapple with. Some say not at all, others say only in appropriate ways.
What do you think district policies about teacher texting and social networking should be?

1 comment:

  1. texting to me should be a HUGE no-no when it comes to a student teacher relationship on the primary/secondary level of education. once adults and in college, do whatever you will. a

    s far as myspace/facebook, there are positives and negatives, but frankly i personally cannot see any reason for this type of social networking. if a teacher wants to keep in contact with their students, update your page on your schools website, and stick to academics. these other sites are personal/social networks where any data entered on profiles, bulletins, surveys, moods, whatever, can be taken the wrong way, and only liability and lawsuits will follow.

    the districts need to protect themselves, and i feel they would be just in demanding this type of internet contact cause for discipline.
