Thursday, March 26, 2009

The importance of breakfast

Children who start the day with breakfast are more likely to be alert and ready to learn, state Secretary of Education Gerald Zahorchak said earlier this week. He was at a Harrisburg school to highlight the state's new policy directive to allow breakfast to be included during homeroom and instructional time.
What do you think of breakfast during class time?


  1. Breakfast during class time is not a good idea. I'm picturing those students who are able to eat breakfast at home wondering why they aren't able to eat whatever and whenever the other students are eating. When my kids were in elementary school, their bus got to school early. The "breakfast" kids got off the bus and the remainder (who had eaten at home) waited ON THE BUS until it was time for school to start. I always thought that was a little weird, and so is this idea.

  2. Every time someone wants to add something during the school day I want to scream, "What did you think we were doing with that time than WASN'T important?" Does breakfast time come out of reading? Math? Or is it one more reason to cut art, science, or geography? Could the Secretary of Education tell us just what he thinks we should replace?

  3. I haven't heard of anything being cut. In fact, state Secretary of Education Gerald Zahorchak often talks about the important of art, social studies, ect.
    Perhaps this is all part of President Obama's conversation about extending the school day or year?
